© Grzegorz Żukowski, 2024
Photos chosen for the exhibition "Simplicity" 1-18 July 2016 in Warsaw, in Służewski Dom Kultury (SDK).
The idea “simplicty” came to my mind when I was thinking about urban life and my street photography.
On the one hand you can say that urban life is spontaneous, random and chaotic. Looking on the city, as a whole, we reflect how many things are happening in it accidentally, how many human interactions are dependent on blind faith, that everything cannot be planned.
Similarly the photographer, when doing streetphotography, relies on intuition and on catching changeable, decisive moments, getting only few from the whole panorama of accidents and frames.
On the other hand human, when creating the urban space, is drawn by the need of order, convenience, simplicity. We want to plan in such a way that things and space will be functional and aesthetic. As well the street photographer in the frames arranges the space, catching elements, which are making a coherent composition.
Despite that we act intuitively, spontaneously in the end we create some order. So when saying “simplicity” I wonder on this contrast – between something accidental, free, intuitive, spontaneous and the need of simplicity, order, peace and convenience.
Photos were made in different European cities. But the context of a place is not relevant for me, instead important is their simple composition and the subject – city and people.
You can also see and buy these photographs as NFTs in my collection on opensea.io